Slow Down! Why SLOW is The New Fast

Oh, it used to feel so good, so empowering. An adrenaline rush, really.  I could be writing a 5 year plan, on a conference call and communicating in hand-signals to my co-workers, all at once. Forget walking and chewing gum! I ran down the hallways to the fax machine, swung into my boss’ office, a sandwich in hand. And the rewards were sweet.  Painting broad, colorful brush strokes upon the world’s open canvass. Recognition. The silent confidence of my value in the world’s eye.

And then the years wore on. Now my “on” switch had a hard time switching “off” when I wanted it to.  I was running at work, running in my off-time, running in my brain, running in my sleep. And the impact I was having looked different 5-10 years later. Sure, I pulled off large-scale events but the relationships were shallow, the vision short-sighted, the victories unsustained over time. What was I really creating in the world?

And now the world’s accolades seemed like a back-handed consolation, a small return for the price of my Soul, my peace, my wisdom. [Sound Familiar? Shhh! This is Secret #1 for Creating the Life You REALLY Want]

And so I dedicate this poem to Slow. In deep humility to the Wise Ones I screeched past, waving from my mental convertible, during those busy-busy years:

An Ode to Slow

I choose Slow
Because Slow is delicious, Tai Chi, flowing, sensuous
Like a belly dancer
And because you must walk slowly 
To be barefoot
Toes curling around each pebble, relaxed, pulling strength up
From Mother Earth.
And when I move like this my heart and eyes open like flowers, simple, sincere, True
And I look around. I think. About the things left undone. About thoughtful things that 
I could do.
I am aware of every flower, every buzzing bee. I enjoy them. I join them. 
I am connected to them.

I choose Slow
Because going through the motions thoughtlessly, superficially a dozen times 
Does not match
One Slow, thorough, forward movement with Purpose and clarity
Imagine if the whole world moved like this. 
What kind of world would this be?
All beings listening to the changing world around us
and acting in perfect harmony with its cycles and timing.
Substance over form.  Spirit over physical.
Manifesting wisdom, patience, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion
All tell-tale signs of Slow.

Slow, like a quiet rebellion in this busy-busy world
Requiring great courage to walk out of sync with so much of the world
And, oh, how it grows your Faith
In the perfect Design of this world
And mercy and grace of its Creator
Faith that moving in Joy and contentment in each moment will lead to the
Best outcome, always. 
Joy leading to Joy.  Peace to Peace. Stillness to Stillness. Love to Love
Refusing to move in fear and hurry
Refusing to move from bitterness and blame
Refusing to move from anger, desperation, loneliness, ignorance
Recovering, waiting, resting
Until I can move slowly in Joy once again.


▪  For an entire day, focus on only one thing at a time; think only one thought at a time. At the end of the day journal about this experience.

▪  Take a walk today where you move at half the pace you normally do. What differences do you notice in yourself and your experience of your surroundings?

▪  Take a meditation, Tai Chi or breath-centered yoga class, noticing the impact of this experience on your mind, heart and body. Journal about the experience

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